Workflow Rest Endpoints

Menu map

When you want to allow third party systems to interact with MRI Dreamscape web applications and data, you can create a workflow (or use a suitable existing workflow) and publish it as a RESTful web service that will interface with the third party and the web application. The source workflow may be used as normal.

  • A user of a workflow rest endpoint must have an account in the MRI Dreamscape portal.
  • The source workflow must be published to enable the workflow web service.

Creating a workflow rest endpoint

To create a workflow rest endpoint:

  1. Create or choose an existing workflow version as a source for the web service and publish it.
  2. On the portal menu, navigate to Workflow > Workflow Rest Endpoints.
  3. Click the Create button.
  4. In the New Rest Endpoint page, enter details of the workflow that is to be published as a rest endpoint. Notice that you don't specify the workflow version; it is the published version that is always used.
  5. Click View Parameters to inspect the workflow's input and output parameters.
  6. Assign the user(s) that will be allowed to access the workflow rest endpoint.
  7. Click Save. The new Workflow Rest Endpoint is added to the list. You can click Rest Detail to review the REST details.
  8. On the Workflow Management page, the Is Service check box is shown ticked for the workflow that was published as a rest endpoint.

Note | If you unpublish a workflow that is the source of a workflow rest endpoint, and then republish it, the Is Service flag does not show set unless you open the workflow rest endpoint with its editor and save it (with no changes).

You can see an example of a workflow rest endpoint configuration here: Workflow Rest Endpoints Tutorial.

Editing a workflow rest endpoint

To edit a workflow rest endpoint:

  1. Select the rest endpoint in the Workflow Rest Endpoint list and click Edit.
  2. Make the required changes and click Save.

Rest detail

For REST details and instructions, select a web service and click Rest Detail.

Deleting a workflow rest endpoint


  • The workflow version that was used as the source of the service must be published.
  • You must edit the workflow rest endpoint and unassign all users.

Select the workflow rest endpoint and click Delete.